Production Next Door

Our team


As part of the value creation systematics division of the LaFT at HSU, our team is engaged in researching local production structures

Dr. -Ing. Pascal Krenz

Project Management

has been a research associate at the Institute of Production Technology (LaFT) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (HSU HH) since 2011. He leads the research area “Local Production” and related research projects at the institute.

Lisa Stoltenberg M.A.

Specialist Consumer Research

studied sociology and political science in Hamburg and Jena and subsequently worked in qualitative market research. At ProNeD she is mainly responsible for business model development and constantly brings the consumer perspective into the project. Lisa is currently working on questions of consumer responsibility in the field of sustainable consumption.

Julia Markert M.Sc.

Specialist Production Research

has been a research associate at the Institute of Production Technology (LaFT) at HSU HH since 2021. During her studies she specialized in the field of production engineering and her current research focus is the creation and coordination of dynamic value chains in local production networks.

Dominik Saubke M.Sc.

Specialist Product
Development Research

joined the Institute of Production Technology (LaFT) at HSU in 2021 as a research associate. With several years of experience in product engineering and product development, his current research focus is on production readiness in collaborative crowd design processes.

Mimi Bao


has been working as a student assistant at the Institute of Production Technology (LaFT) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at HSU since 2022. She studies media and communication and is currently working in the marketing area for the Production Next Door project.



HITeC is the research and technology transfer center of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg. For a good 20 years, HITeC has been offering professional cooperation opportunities, such as application-oriented research projects or professional project management based on the latest research results.

Dipl. -Inf. Stephanie von Riegen

Specialist HITeC

is a research associate and project manager in the area of intelligent systems at the Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center HITeC e.V. She conducts research in the field of Artificial Intelligence with a focus on knowledge-based systems, scene interpretation, data analysis and machine learning.

Dr. rer. nat. Lothar Hotz


is CEO and project manager at the Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center HITeC e.V. He conducts research in the area of Artificial Intelligence with a focus on knowledge-based systems, planning and configuration systems, machine learning and higher image processing. He also leads activities in the area of semantic-based Open Data portals. He is chairman of the board of the Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC) e.V.

Unity AG

UNITY AG is a management consultancy for innovation and digital transformation. It empowers global players and medium-sized companies in the private and public sectors to master the digital transformation! With the UNITY Innovation Alliance, it provides end-to-end expertise in the digitization of business models, products and services – from conception to implementation.

Dipl. -Vw. Dennis Schmidt

Senior Manager Unity

ist Senior Manager im Bereich Future Business und für die Teams in Hamburg und Berlin verantwortlich. Seit 2011 berät er erfolgreich in den Schwerpunkten strategische Vorausschau, Innovationsmanagement und digitale Geschäftsmodellentwicklung. Zu seinen Kunden zählen neben DAX-40-Unternehmen auch mittelständische Unternehmen und der öffentliche Sektor. Dennis Schmidt ist Diplom Volkswirt und hat an der Universität Freiburg, der Universität Basel sowie der Simon-Fraser University in Vancouver studiert.

Jan Carstens

Management Consultant

setzt sich als Managementberater unterschiedlichster Branchen in den Bereichen Digitalisierung und Innovation intensiv mit datengetriebenen Analysemethoden wie Künstlicher Intelligenz, Data Mining sowie Process Mining auseinander. Auf Basis von Daten identifiziert er Wertschöpfungspotenziale und trägt zur Standardisierung, Optimierung, Digitalisierung und Automatisierung von Prozessen bei. Jan Carstens hat Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen hochschulübergreifend an der Universität Hamburg (UHH), Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW) sowie Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg (HSU) studiert.

Frank Braun

Managing Consultant

is a long-time and experienced employee of Unity AG. As a manager in the application field of process re-engineering, he deals with process analysis, process harmonization and process implementation in a wide variety of industries. Frank Braun holds a degree in business informatics and studied at the Harz University of Applied Sciences.

Institution and background

New Production Institute

Values of the future.

From traditional industry to digital and local production of tomorrow. Value creation systems in transition and new opportunities in digital production. The New Production Institute emerged from the interdisciplinary research group Value Creation Systems of the Laboratory of Production Engineering (LaFT) at Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg. As a think tank for the future of value creation and production, the experts of the New Production Institute deal in various projects with the change of value creation systems against the background of new possibilities of networking and production in times of digital transformation. In particular, the focus is on the operationalization of openness in new modes of value creation (open innovation, open design, open production and open source). The institute’s staff has many years of national and international project experience and has a broad spectrum of networks and project partners as well as numerous memberships in scientific and industrial associations and knowledge clusters.


LaFT - Laboratory of Production Engineering

Founded in 1973, the Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces currently has 2430 students. Most of the students are members of the Bundeswehr, but increasingly there are also students from the private sector and dual students from other government agencies and offices. The organization of the students is handled by 894 staff members, with a total of 104 professors taking care of the students, creating a unique environment for teaching. The annual budget of the university is approximately 110 million euros. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has 7 institutes with a total of 18 professorships. The Laboratory of Production Engineering (LaFT) is under the care of Professor Wulfsberg. Divided into the working groups Value Creation Systematics, Lightweight Construction, Robotics and Additive Manufacturing, various topics are part of our research. The division of value creation systematics is dealing with the changes in the economic environment. Global networking, dynamic markets and value creation networks, and the increasing granularity of value creation processes are their object of research.

Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the German Armed Forces

The PRODUCTIONNEXTDOOR project (formerly “Digital, urban production – promoting local productions / lokal.vernetzt.produziert.”) at Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg is funded by the Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the German Armed Forces ( The – Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the Bundeswehr – is a scientific center jointly supported by both universities of the Bundeswehr and part of the economic stimulus program of the German government to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. It is subject to academic self-governance. The funds with which the has been endowed are used at both universities of the Bundeswehr to finance research projects and projects for knowledge and technology transfer.