The goal of Production Next Door is to promote local production networks in the greater Hamburg area. With this research project, we want to bring production back into the city and thus to the place where products are needed.
Promoting local value creation structures
The unpredictable occurrence of a global pandemic as well as intensifying trade conflicts have recently shown us the fragility of a global, industrial value creation based on the division of labor. The promotion of local value creation structures has numerous potentials to meet current ecological, economic and social challenges (strengthening the resilience of the production economy, reduction of greenhouse gases, empowerment of regional companies and people).
Project plan
Creation of products for local demand by regional small and medium-sized enterprises
Over the course of the project, a new form of local production, that aims for the cost-efficient and local creation of individualized products, is being researched in the Hamburg metropolitan region. The focus is on the production of furniture. In the product development phase, the value-added network engages global developer communities to generate a range of new modern products. The resulting designs are manufactured locally by regional craftsmen and small or medium-sized production companies. The products can be customized to meet individual preferences as comprehensively as possible.
Contribution to a sustainable circular economy
The objective is to contribute to a sustainable circular economy by promoting local value creation structures:
- Empowerment of regional actors
- Cost-efficient demand-driven manufacturing of individualized products
- Reduction of emissions and resource use by avoiding transport and overproduction
- Provision of a high variety of licensable and freely available product models by involving global developer communities
- Increasing resilience of the production economy by promoting regional production structures
Over the course of the project, methods and technologies from the research areas Industry 4.0, Machine Learning and Data Mining will be transferred to the context of regional production. The goal is to establish an end-to-end digitized value creation process that very efficiently integrates product development by a global online community, manufacturing by local producers, and customization by customers in order to minimize initiation and coordination costs along the value chain.
The latest news about the project

Sustainable design criteria
Blog – News from the project Nachhaltige Designkriterien Production in the spirit of sustainability Today, no one can get past the word “sustainability”. In the

New Production Institute English
Blog – News from the project New Production Institute The Interdisciplinary Research Group The challenges of our time are more diverse and diffuse than ever

Website online English
Blog – News from the project Website online goes online. Production Next Door is one of the many unique projects of the researchers inside
Design options for sustainable, urban production through digitalization of product creation and production organization.
Contribution to a sustainable circular economy
The solution approach aims to use the latest findings from the research fields of Industry 4.0, Machine Learning and Big Data.
The productivity of locally networked product manufacturing by regional crafts and production companies can be significantly improved in the long term by utilizing the potentials of:
- Creating a digitalized network of cross-company production processes
- Cooperation in the context of development and production
- Increased proximity to customers
- Early anticipation of customer requirements.
However, current research approaches focus primarily on industrial value creation structures. These approaches are accompanied by an increasing complexity of production structures and technologies, high qualification requirements for skilled personnel and ultimately high investment requirements for companies.
These are requirements that regional small and medium-sized enterprises are often unable to meet. To increase the productivity of regional production networks digitization solutions are needed, that cause little investment costs (e.g., through the use of open source software and standard applications), have low requirements for implementation or use (usability, connectivity) and ensure the necessary qualification of regional stakeholders, in order to ultimately effectively and efficiently organize the knowledge work between the actors along the regional value chains (cooperative development, production and distribution). Our own research has focused on knowledge work in networked production and the emergence and inner workings of local, open production structures. In the context of this project, these research foci will now be further combined in order to promote the formation of highly agile local production structures, which can flexibly produce almost any individualized products at moderate costs.
Who we are...
Team and institutional background
Production Next Door
Production next door: Globally designed. Locally manufactured.
Meet Pascal, Julia, Lisa and Dominik
Helmut-Schmidt University
LaFT - Laboratory of Production Engineering
Everything you need to know about Helmut Schmidt University / The University of the Federal Armed Forces.
New Production Institute
Future Values
From the traditional industry to the digital and local production of tomorrow. Value creation systems in transition and new opportunities in digital production.
Production Next Door
Production next door: Globally designed. Locally manufactured.
Meet Pascal, Julia, Lisa and Dominik
Helmut-Schmidt University
LaFT - Laboratory of Production Engineering
Everything you need to know about Helmut Schmidt University / The University of the Federal Armed Forces.
New Production Institute
Future Values
From the traditional industry to the digital and local production of tomorrow. Value creation systems in transition and new opportunities in digital production.
Our partners at Production Next Door
We are looking for partners located in the greater Hamburg area: carpenters, metal fabricators, painters, upholsterers. All trades from the field of furniture manufacturing are in demand.
Contact us, we are happy to help
Frequently asked questions
The project is funded by The is a scientific center supported by both universities of the German Armed Forces and part of the economic stimulus program of the German government to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. It is subject to academic self-administration. The University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich is in charge. The funds with which the has been endowed by the BMVg division are used at both universities of the Bundeswehr to finance research projects and projects for the transfer of knowledge and technology (in particular to promote start-ups).
The project is initially planned until 2024. We will post information regarding any possible extension to our newsblog.
We are a research project on dynamic local production, our goal is to create a design, distribution and organization platform that promotes this form of local production and will make it possible in the future for customers to make more sustainable consumption choices.
The creation of the platform is already underway. There is still some work to be done before implementation. A release well before the end of the project is planned.
The project will seek entrepreneurial partners in the implementation of the dynamic manufacturing network as it progresses. Contact can be made via the form or our email address.