Production Next Door

Sustainable design criteria

Blog – News from the project Nachhaltige Designkriterien Production in the spirit of sustainability Today, no one can get past the word “sustainability”. In the last decade, hardly any other term has been used in such a variety of ways. Whether in companies or in government structures, the topic of sustainability is on the agenda. […]

New Production Institute English

Blog – News from the project New Production Institute The Interdisciplinary Research Group The challenges of our time are more diverse and diffuse than ever before. Against this backdrop, the production sector in general, aware of its own socially relevant role, must proactively identify new ways of tackling the current global challenges and find points […]

Website online English

Blog – News from the project Website online goes online. Production Next Door is one of the many unique projects of the researchers inside the New Production Institute. The research project aims to explore new ways of efficient local production at the point of need. We are very pleased to be able to report […]